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New Product Development – Where to start

Do you have a product idea that you’re wanting to get into production?

Have you ever wondered what information you’ll need when taking a new product idea to the design and manufacturer stage?

We’ve created a shortlist of just some of the questions you should be asking yourself to get your idea to the next stage of the lifecycle.

  • Do you own the existing IP around the product?
  • Will you retain the IP created in the Design Stage?
  • Are there any third parties involved in the IP of this project?
  • Are there any competitors on the market?
  • What is the expected sales price of the product?
  • Expected volumes? First-year / future?
  • How does your product idea compare with existing products………pro’s and con’s?
  • What distribution channels are there? Partners, etc
  • How will the project be financed?
  • What is the expected budget for the design?

Want to know more or need some help with your idea?

Ideas, Products, Projects, Partnerships?

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