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Products, Projects, Partnerships or Support? Contact us today for all your electronics design and manufacturing needs.

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    Russell Shannon, Managing Director – Argus Acoustic

    Our boards are complicated, multilayer boards; tightly packed with about 600 components on a board of 125mm x 70mm. Fine tolerances are required. Potential noise problems between a high speed processor and very sensitive analogue circuits needed addressing. The circuits were designed very carefully to get the performance we required and the quality of all components on the board was specified.

    This project has taken about 2 years. It is not always easy to maintain good humour when dealing with all the complications that a project such as this throws up, yet you and your staff have at all times acted with professionalism, expertise and a genuine willingness to assist in a successful outcome. Special thanks to Sam on the design side and for his skill in hand building the first prototypes and later Glenn in production.

    We look forward to continued production of these boards and development of new boards that will be required in the future.

    Rodney McDonald, Procurement Manager – Submarine | Defence Operations – Saab Australia

    Hetech are a key supplier for our project working in partnership with us to achieve solutions to complex problems. Hetech’s expertise in electronic design provides us with confidence that the end product meets the strict standards and functionality that we require.

    Rodney Appelby, Senior Technology Specialist- Orica Mining Services

    I have been working with Hetech for a number of years developing a number of projects from concept to market. Their professional team has a broad depth of knowledge allowing this to happen. Not only do they strive to understand my requirements but offer valuable input into ways to improve the product and manufacturing process. They understand the need to deliver to often tight timelines and the fluidity of development projects. I look forward to an ongoing relationship with them for many years.

    Peter Pearce, Managing Director – TMAC

    I have used Hetech on several different projects and have found that the process from design through to manufacturing has been second to none.

    Mark Beggs, Field Hardware and Assembly (FH&A) Manager | Project Currawong – Boeing Defence

    Hetech’s electronics manufacturing and project management capabilities have been and continue to be integral to the success of project Currawong. Hetech have consistently manufactured and supplied hundreds of complex ruggedised hardware modules for delivery to the Australian Army. Hetech’s passion, honesty and integrity has been one of the key drivers in assisting the Currawong Project meet challenging delivery milestones. In the spirit of fostering true collaboration and transparency in business combined with an innovative and proactive engineering regime, Hetech have assisted in ensuring Project Currawong success to date, ahead of schedule and on budget.

    Kavita Gahlawat, Materials Manager – EOS Defence Systems

    EOS Defence Systems has been working with HETECH for several years now. They are an invaluable and critical partner to our supply chain for PCBA’s. They have consistently delivered on time and on budget and to exceptional class 3 quality standards. We have very good relationships across all facets of their team and our communication is excellent, which is a key driver to the continued success between us. Thank you HETECH and keep up the great work.

    Gerald Van Niekerk, Director – Vanadium Group

    We partnered with Hetech’s engineering team to design and build a mining automation system to be integrated into gravity-fed spiral circuits. Their customer service and professionalism have exceeded my expectations. They consistently deliver within time-frames and even fly out engineers to assist with diagnosing and maintaining products in the field, ensuring the system was operating as expected. I highly recommend Hetech; they have gone beyond their expectations to ensure the best product possible.

    David Edington, Director – TecHome

    Hetech has been instrumental in getting TecHome on its own feet! Without Hetech we would be still importing expensive products from overseas, customisation to local requirements of the products was almost impossible then.

    Cristobal Brant – FLSmidth

    We have partnered with Hetech because of their professional customer service and their approach to development and manufacturing of products. Hetech’s one-stop approach made it so much faster and easier for us to get our product market-ready…


    Manufacturing Facility:
    33 Perrin Drive, Underwood, QLD 4119 Australia

    Ideas, Products, Projects, Partnerships?

    Hetech prides itself on delivering products of the highest quality with a fast turnaround time to meet your requirements.

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